Frequently Asked Questions

Bradford Buildings not only provides high quality, low-cost solutions to new building structures, but they want their clients to be as informed as possible. An educated customer is a smart shopper and the only way to find things out is to ask questions. Please take a moment to read through the FAQs and if you don’t see your question here or the answer isn’t clear, give them a call. Their experienced staff will answer any question and provide you with the information you need to be an educated consumer.

Maybe. We are able to install doors in most cases depending on location. You can also contact a local overhead door company to install a door. Most overhead doors will require approximately 24″ of clearance height for overhead track. Example: If you order a 10′ tall building, then the maximum door height that you can use is 8′. If you do not purchase the Overhead doors through us, you will need to check with the overhead door company and verify the size of the opening that they will require. This information must be given to Bradford Buildings before construction begins. If you are going to pour a concrete slab inside the building it is important to remember that the thickness of the slab will affect the door clearance.

Yes. We need to be aware of your local building requirements and we can modify our standard construction to adapt to your local building codes. Factory engineered trusses are used on all buildings (unless it is a rafter application; porch, shed, lien-to). Changes to our standard construction must be reviewed by our engineer and priced by our sales staff.

Most of the time. Ask a sales representative for specifics. This depends largely on the location of the building site.

Yes. We use a 2 x 6 CCA .60 treated bottom plate around the bottom of the building. This board can be used as a form for pouring a concrete slab. Concrete can normally be poured through the large door opening. If the concrete contractor requires additional access to pour the concrete then some wall metal could be left off and installed by the customer after the concrete is poured. In some instances, we can set the posts for the building and pull off the job until the concrete is complete. This may require additional cost for travel expenses for the crew.

Yes. We can provide material kits for any size building. Factory built trusses are available to eliminate the task of constructing the trusses on site. We have insulation, walk doors, windows, vents, cupolas, horse stalls and all the hardware and accessories that you will need to construct your building.

Yes and No. Most states do not allow agricultural exemptions for buildings or improvements to real property. We allow Oklahoma Farm Tax exemptions. Please check with your local state tax authority to see if you can use your farm tax exemption. We do recognize 100% Disabled Veteran tax exemption cards.

Yes. You will need to make us aware of this, so we can figure the costs and material correctly. Also keep in mind that your slab must have a substantial footing to bear the weight load of the building. We are not responsible for damage to the floor that may occur from insufficient footing.

Maybe. Some counties or cities will require a building permit. The building requirements and restrictions are very different in every area. It is the customer’s responsibility to check with the local building inspection office to identify any building restrictions that may be enforced. The customer is responsible for the cost of a building permit, if one is required. We can provide detailed truss drawings to assist in the process of obtaining a permit, which in most cases is all that is needed from us. Occasionally, a municipality will require site specific Engineered Drawings for your building. We can provide engineered drawings and modify the construction of the building, if required. The engineer requires a payment for this service, which is an additional cost that must be paid when the drawings are contracted for. Also keep in mind that if any inspections are required during the construction this may require our builders to stop and wait on the inspector. If this occurs there is a small fee for the down time.

Yes. The customer is responsible for having electricity at the job site or they must have a generator available for the builders to use during construction. We can provide a generator for a modest cost if needed.

Yes. You should have the building pad as level as possible. We will level the building with the highest part of the ground. If the ground is not level there will be a gap under the building where the ground slopes, you can always back fill if needed. The ground needs to be within 2”-4” of being perfectly level in order to use our standard pole lengths. This may require hiring an excavator or using a builder’s level to determine if the ground is level.